

Accustomed to the highest standards of demand in terms of quality, safety and environmental responsibility, we always ensure in each project,
regardless of its dimension, all the necessary measures to safeguard the best results.

Steel is in the genesis of our foundation and through it we intend to take metallic construction to a new level of excellence.

Projectos de Engenharia

Engineering Projects

Estruturas Metálicas

Metallic Structures

Revestimento de Coberturas

Roof Cladding

Revestimentos de Fachadas

Facade Cladding

Projectos de Engenharia
Engineering ProjectsEmogis has technical staff qualified to carry out engineering projects.
With vast project experience, we carry out the structural dimensioning of steel buildings with a view to obtaining the best solution for the end client, complying with all the regulations while still meeting the architectural requirements.
Estruturas Metálicas
Metallic StructuresEmogis executes all kinds of metallic structures in steel.
From support platforms to industrial equipment, pavilions, warehouses and commercial buildings. We are also specialised in bridges, footbridges and complex building rehabilitation works from containment to the execution of floors and metal roofs.
We have a range of professionals that allow us to prepare, manufacture and assemble all the metal structure works with a high level of quality.
Revestimento de Coberturas
Roof and Facade CladdingWe carry out all types of roof cladding and metal facades.
The final image of a work depends largely on the quality of execution of the claddings. Emogis has teams specialised in the application of roof and facade cladding, whether in simple profiled sheeting or sandwich panel (rock wool, PIR or polyurethane), including gutters and finishes.